Robyn Williams
Robyn Williams has worked in the public assembly facility management field for more than thirty years in Texas, North Carolina and Oregon-where she is currently Executive Director for Portland’5 Centers for the Arts. Portland’5 consists of the Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Keller Auditorium, the Newmark, Winningstad and Brunish Theatres.
Robyn is a member and past president of the International Association of Venue Managers. She was a 15-year instructor and Past Chair of the Board of Regents for IAVM’s Venue Management School.
She is a Certified Venue Executive and currently serves as past chair of the IAVM Foundation Board of Trustees as well as the past chair of the Diversity and Inclusive Leadership Committee.
In 2007, Robyn was voted one of the “Top Five Women of Influence” by Venues Today magazine. In 2018 she was awarded the Charles A. McElravy award for extraordinary contributions to IAVM and the public assembly facility management field.
Robyn and attorney husband Roger Scarbrough share their home with two lab mixes-Nightshade and Banksy-and one onery cat-Wake. Robyn is also a visual artist working in assemblage and has shown her work in a number of Portland galleries. She is a past board president of Portland Open Studios