More than a place to go in an emergency, DoveLewis is a hub for education, support and community. It's with the support of donors, volunteers, and other great neighbors that we can do so much.
DoveLewis’ Federal Tax ID number is 93-0621534.
As a Non-profit, DoveLewis depends on your support.
Reinvesting in Our Community for Pets and People
Non-profit organizations operate and are maintained to serve a public good. Any net earnings by a not-for-profit organization are used by the organization for the purposes of which it was established. No one “owns” DoveLewis and no one makes a profit from our success. The board of directors is made up of unpaid volunteers, but our staff is paid. DoveLewis charges for its medical services to cover the costs of ER and ICU medicine. Any net earnings by DoveLewis are used to pursue the organizational goal of providing exceptional animal emergency and critical care services. This could include buying new medical equipment.
DoveLewis’ Federal Tax ID number is 93-0621534.
As a nonprofit, we rely on the support of our generous community members. Some are able to donate financial gifts, others offer their time or expertise, and many do both!

Our Mission in Action
Sheldon Needed Blood Transfusions to Survive
Kevin and Hannah imagined their wedding week a bit differently, but “in sickness and in health” rang true when Sheldon, their 4-year-old Bernese Mountain dog, needed life-saving treatment at DoveLewis.
Financial Aid Helps Gatsby
When Gatsby's leg was swollen, Jay didn't know where to turn. Thanks to the DoveLewis Velvet Assistance Fund, Gatsby was able to get the care he needed.
More About Nonprofits, Donations, and Impact
A Wish List for Animals
One way to support DoveLewis is to purchase something on our Wish List that can make hospitalized animals more comfortable.
7 Ways Giving Back Builds Community
It only takes one person with a desire to help or an idea to bring people together to create real impact and contribute to the life-saving work of DoveLewis.
Retirement Account: Making a Bigger Impact
It only takes one person with a desire to help or an idea to bring people together to create real impact and contribute to the life-saving work of DoveLewis.
Restricted vs. Unrestricted Gifts
Is one type of gift better? The short answer is that your gift to DoveLewis, whether restricted or unrestricted, directly helps animals in the hospital.
Other Helpful Information
Read Our Annual Report
As a nonprofit community hospital, we would not be here to serve the pets and people who love them without you! Learn more about how 2024 was a memorable year for DoveLewis.