High-Rise Syndrome A Serious Risk for Portland Pets

During the summer, animals are more likely to fall from multistory surfaces and sustain severe injuries

PORTLAND, Ore. – While the risks of hot cars and heatstroke are familiar to most pet owners, high-rise syndrome is one warm weather danger that is often overlooked. High-rise syndrome commonly refers to cats and dogs falling from a multistory surface. DoveLewis Veterinary Emergency and Specialty Hospital urges pet owner to take precautions to avoid the serious injuries that accompany this traumatic accident.

“It's important for pet owners to take preventive measures if their pets have access to rooms or balconies on upper levels, as high-rise syndrome can be very dangerous. Dogs typically sustain worse injuries than cats, and injuries from falls like this are more common in the summer,” said Dr. Ladan Mohammad-Zadeh, a DoveLewis critical care specialist.

Injuries can include shattered jaws, punctured lungs, bruising to the heart and lungs, fractures or broken bones, brain swelling and internal bleeding. Dr. Mohammad-Zadeh stresses that it is important to seek veterinary care immediately after a fall. “Due to the release of adrenaline, animals may not look like they are in pain initially after a fall,” she said. “But they can sustain serious internal injuries that will not be apparent until later.”

Medical care immediately after a fall can dramatically increase the animal’s chance of recovery. Dr. Mohammad-Zadeh reminds pet owners to handle their injured pet with care, as they may be in shock and are more likely to bite.

Tips to prevent high-rise syndrome in dogs and cats include:

  • Watch pets at all times when they are on balconies, on patios or near open windows.
  • Don't leave windows open – even a crack – as pets can nose them open wider.
  • Don't depend on window screens to keep pets from falling. Many pets treated for high-rise injures at DoveLewis had broken through a window screen.
  • Keep furniture that pets can climb on away from windows.
  • Move patio furniture away from railings.
  • Close windows before throwing toys for your pets to chase.
  • Install air conditioning so windows can be closed on upper floors.

If your pet falls from an upper story, visityour regular vet or call DoveLewis immediately at 503-228-7281.


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