A Photo Treasury of Memorials

People often send me photos of how they memorialize a beloved pet that has passed. Each photo is touching and inspiring. I love hearing about and seeing the unique, beautiful and meaningful way people memorialize their companion animals. Below are some of the recent photos I have received. If you would like to share a similar photo with me, please send me your photos to etraisman@dovelewis.org, and I will save them for a future memorial treasury blog entry.

These fused glass wind chimes were lovingly created and photographed by Phyllis Solow in honor of her sweet Cassie, pictured below. There is a little bit of Cassie’s cremated remains in each chime.

Below, Greystoke is memorialized on a bookshelf in his home, a presence that brings comfort to his family. Mementos include a prayer candle, favorite photos, a custom knitted portrait and special books and cards.

I met this elderly gentleman (pictured below) at a nursing home. He told me that he had a very special dog when he was younger and that carrying around this plushy brings him comfort.

A tender note placed on this beautiful wild flower memorial is nestled in the base of an old growth tree in Laurelhurst Park.

This deck memorial is complete with prayer flags, angels and flowers.