Pet Fire Safety

Fires can be devastating, and as pet owners, it's crucial to have a plan in place to protect our beloved pets. We all love our pets, and the last thing we want to think about is one of them getting hurt in a fire. Use our helpful tips to ensure that you and your furry friends are prepared for an emergency.

Pet fire safety


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Prevention is Key

  • Keep flammable materials out of reach: Avoid leaving candles, stovetops, or hot appliances unattended where curious paws can reach them.
  • Secure loose wires and cords: Prevent pets from chewing on electrical cords, which can pose a fire hazard.
  • Invest in flameless alternatives: Opt for flameless candles or electric diffusers to create a cozy ambiance without the risk of fire.

Create a Pet-Friendly Escape Plan

  • Map out escape routes: Identify multiple escape routes in your home and ensure they are easily accessible for both you and your pets.
  • Practice emergency drills: Regularly conduct mock fire drills with your pets and family or fellow housemates to familiarize them with the escape plan and increase their chances of a safe evacuation.
  • Assign a designated caregiver: Establish a trusted person close to your home who can assist in evacuating and caring for your pets if you're not home during a fire emergency.

Additional Important Tips

  • Smoke Detectors: When was the last time you checked the batteries in your smoke detector? A properly functioning smoke detector saves lives! This is your friendly reminder to check that yours are functioning properly.
  • Make sure your pets can be easily identified: Make sure your pets have collars with up-to-date tags. If they are not already, consider microchipping your pet. Make sure their information and registered with updated contact information, enabling a swift reunion in case of separation during a fire.
  • Prepare an emergency kit: Assemble a pet-specific emergency kit containing essentials such as food, water, medications, a leash, and a familiar toy or blanket to provide comfort during evacuation. Not sure what to include in an emergency kit? Check out our helpful video!

How to Alert Rescue Personnel

  • Place a pet alert sticker: Display a pet alert sticker on your front door or window to inform firefighters of the number and types of pets inside your home.
  • Inform neighbors or nearby friends: Share information about your pets and their locations with trusted neighbors or nearby friends, so they can assist in alerting rescue personnel if needed.

Consider Professional Home Monitoring

  • Install a monitored smoke alarm: Invest in a monitored smoke alarm system that can alert emergency services even when you're not home, ensuring prompt response in case of a fire.



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