Last Photos

Last March, I received an email from a woman named Kristin. She was writing to introduce herself and request an informational interview to talk about pet loss support and to offer her unique services as a hospice photographer.

Upon meeting Kristin, I immediately felt a comfortable connection. She described herself as a former zookeeper turned animal photographer/volunteer for the Legacy Hospice Pet Peace of Mind Program. She said her experience taking photos of hospice patients with their pets was more humbling and meaningful than she could have ever imagined. She also felt her intimate photos helped those anticipating a loss, as well as those in grief after a loss. Kristin told me she wanted to offer folks who were anticipating the loss of a beloved pet a “SoulSession.”

In Kristin’s own words:

Every SoulSession that I create with animals who are close to death has a deep resonance of love and presence, as people wordlessly say good-bye to their animal. I feel honored to be invited into this family circle for the time that I am with them. There are particular families that I will always remember.

MickeyGrrrl was found in the street and taken to a shelter. She was pregnant and had a broken rib. She survived, but sadly, her babies did not. Fortunately, she found her way to DeeDee, and for 18 years they created a bond so strong that they could read each others’ minds. I learned quite a lot about this amazing cat. DeeDee described her as “a little rough around the edges” due to her tough beginning in life. MickeyGrrrl didn’t take any guff, and she had a silly sense of fun, with lots of naps in the sun. She would also wrinkle her nose at silly times. DeeDee shared that MickeyGrrrl taught her about acceptance and how to be in the moment.

On the day that DeeDee contacted me to photograph MickeyGrrrl, I knew that her time was near. I arrived to see her curled up on her special blanket in front of her window, basking in the sun. I was careful not to disturb her—she seemed to be very far away. The sun created beautiful light especially for our session. The love and respect that DeeDee and MickeyGrrrl showed each other was an honor to photograph. Our time together was full of feeling and grace.

A couple days later, MickeyGrrrl passed away very peacefully in her sleep. Her face was wet from the licks that her brother cat had given her.

In honor of this wonderful soul, DeeDee and Ute’ Luppertz have created The Delicious MickeyGrrrl Fund, which is dedicated to helping feral cats find good homes and “delicious” lives.

I have many years of experience as a zookeeper, which gives me a special insight into the world of your animal. I have learned profound lessons about the animal spirit, which only years of working closely with them can reveal. My gift to you as a photographer is to create beautiful soulful images for you, which show the unique spirit of your pet and the bond that connects you.

It never ceases to amaze me when the stars align, without our even realizing it, until the moment everything comes together. I say this because as Kristin and I were in my office saying goodbye, one of our wonderful DoveLewis veterinarians, Dr. Trish London, was coming up to my office to talk to me about the unexpected, imminent loss of her sweet Miss Magoo. How serendipitous that Trish arrived at my office in time to meet Kristin. Shortly after that meeting, Kristin went out to Dr. London’s home to capture their beautiful bond as you can see in this photo. 

I have referred many people to Kristin and have seen the beautiful SoulSession photos she has captured; they are heartwarming, unique and very, very special. Click here to visit her website.

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