6 Ways to Make Vet Visits Less Stressful for Your Cat

If you own a cat and have ever had the pleasure of taking it to a vet appointment, you may have faced some staunch feline resistance. Getting your cat into a carrier, enduring a car ride filled with yowling, and perhaps a few claw marks later, you arrive at the office with a frazzled feline far from ready for a stranger’s handling. According to a recent study by Bayer and the American Association of Feline Practitioners, two-thirds of cat owners take their pets to the vet less than once a year due to this resistance. Here are six tips on how you can make the trip easier on your beloved feline – and yourself.


  1. Routine Check-ups at Home

    Home check-ups are no substitute for professional care, but they can get your cat accustomed to being handled. The experience can make a vet visit easier. Also, head to tail check-ups are more likely to reveal a health issue early on, should one arise.

  2. Get your Cat Comfortable with a Carrier

    If a cat’s carrier is only associated with dreaded vet visits and car rides, it may be difficult to get your feline inside one. Consider making it a comfortable nap space for your cat on a daily basis.  Offering treats inside a carrier can also help create a positive association. Also, consider the type of carrier you use. It should be large enough for your cat to stand, stretch, and make a full turn inside.

  3. Practice Car Rides

    A dreaded car ride can compound the stress of a vet visit for your cat. Taking a few practice runs with gradually increasing drive times may help reduce the stress of the outing. If your cat is calmer during the car ride to a vet appointment, he or she is less likely to be stressed upon arrival.

  4. Love and Affection

    Giving your cat extra attention before, during, and after the vet visit can offer soothing reassurance that there is nothing to worry about. Reduce your cat’s stress with ample petting, soothing words, and an attentive attitude.

  5. Pheromone Spray

    A synthetic form of the scent cats rub against each other and their loved ones to reinforce social bonds may be very helpful in relaxing your feline. However, it does not work on all cats. But if your cat has a real problem with vet visits, it may be worth a shot.

  6. Distractions

    During a vet visit, talk to your cat, bring a blanket or towel to set her on, favorite toys, or offer treats to help divert your feline’s attention from the stress of the visit.

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