Pet Emergencies During Imposed Curfew

The disturbing event of George Floyd's tragic death goes against our basic humanity and everything we stand for here at DoveLewis. There is no room for racial injustice or discrimination of any kind in society. 

With community as one of our core values, we believe in compassion, equality, and justice for all. We strive to create an inclusive culture, and our management and staff lead by that example every day. We are hopeful for peaceful, meaningful action during this current situation in our immediate community and nationwide.

It is important for us to acknowledge how these recent events  – as well as those of the past – are impacting us on a personal level. It is heartbreaking. But the entire country has been rallying together to take unprecedented steps to stem the path of not only a deadly virus but also inequality in our country. We are proud to be a part of the Pacific Northwest, and are proud to be an animal hospital that provides compassion, care, and kindness to people. Always. 

What to Do If Your Pet Needs Care With a Curfew in Place

As people come together to take action, we know that animal emergencies don’t just stop because there’s a curfew in place. For concerned pet owner’s looking for care for their beloved animals tonight, DoveLewis remains open. 



