Cardinal: A Pet Loss Story

The following pet loss poem was shared with DoveLewis Pet Loss Support Director Enid Traisman from Elaine Tan. Please feel free to submit your own pet loss story here


An old soul
Regal ...lion-like…..handsome…..strong….wise Affectionate…...cuddly…...loving…...sweet…..gentle Tolerant…..trusting…...generous…and loyal

My baby boy, my love, my life force, my sunshine, my rainbow, my oxygen, My best friend ever, my companion, my light on a dark journey

You brought me more joy and love than anyone ever has in all of my life You made me smile when I thought I could not

You made me laugh when there was nothing to laugh about
The first being I think about when I awaken
The one I cuddle with as I drift off to sleep
The one I can count on being there to welcome me with a one-eye salute and
a “music to my ears” meow when I come home
The one who never left my side when I was diagnosed and went through surgery and treatments, and emotional distress….

Always together, comforting, reassuring, grounding
Through all of our health challenges, yours and mine, we never gave up on each other, we went through it paw in hand with deep unconditional love, trust, dedication and perseverance
I will miss your gorgeous green expressive eyes, your huge fluffy paws….
always on my arms or in my hands….holding, touching, comforting
Your loud and demanding meows, your snuggles, your sniffing on my face,
You sitting by my side when I am working, eating, just sitting around,
I remember you trying to reach the kitchen counter on your hind legs, you standing up behind daddy on a dining chair, peering over his shoulder to see what’s being served
Until we are together again, my darling boy…..

Play, run, jump, sniff, and give to those around you like you gifted me every minute that we were together
Love Tess and Sebastian as they have loved me and I them. Heaven is a more beautiful place now that you are there.

Your heart and mine, your soul and mine
We are one….for eternity
I have and always will love you with every ounce of my being for the rest of my days My heartbeat misses yours, my love.
It has been an absolute honor being your mom.


Forever In My Heart, Mommy

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